Agricultural industries

Iran has always been an attractive industry for investment in this sector due to its historical background in agriculture and its high geographical potential. However, unfortunately, in recent years, due to severe water shortages and lack of proper management of the country’s water resources, irreparable damage has been inflicted on this industry. In addition to the above, another reason for the lack of growth and development of the agricultural industry is the persistence of traditional methods and the lack of use of modern technologies. Since its establishment, one of the most important goals of the company has been to enter this industry and invest in it. At the same time as the company’s activities began, studies on the production of agricultural superabsorbents were a priority in the company’s production programs. The superabsorbent production process has its own complexities, and providing an appropriate solution improves the quality of the product. Since providing high quality has been the mainstay of the company’s products, after three years the company succeeded in launching a production line for this product using local technology, so that the quality of the product produced is far higher than that of foreign products.

Introducing the permeable super absorbent

Superabsorbents are polymer materials that, due to the networks they have inside, retain water up to several hundred times their weight. This property is used in various industries and for various applications. One of the industries in the world where superabsorbents are used extensively is the agricultural industry for various purposes. Severe droughts in the country on the one hand and the destruction of farms and gardens on the other justify the need to use this material to revive the agricultural industry. The mechanism of action of this material in the soil is such that after irrigation, it absorbs water and soil nutrients and swells, and then gradually returns water to the roots if needed.
The use of these materials significantly prevents water loss and also allows the soil to retain water for a longer period of time without re-irrigation. Due to the technology used in its production process on the one hand and the nanoparticles used in its structure on the other hand, the permeable super absorbent is of very high quality, so that it has higher specifications and features than similar samples. These features ultimately lead to higher water absorption and a greater increase in crop yield. Depending on the type of soil and cultivation, as well as the climate in Iran, four different grades of permeable super absorbent are produced in the company with the following codes.

Table of specifications and features of super absorbent

Row Specifications Tarava-200 Tarava-220 Tarava-300 Tarava-330
1 Appearance White powder White microgranules White powder White microgranules
2 Mass density (g/lit) 0.85 0.8 0.85 0.8
3 PH 8 -7 8 -7 8 -7 8 -7
4 Humidity level (%) Less than 0.8 Less than 0.8 Less than 0.8 Less than 0.8
5 Total residual monomer (ppm) >400 >400 >150 >150
6 Environmental compatibility Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible
7 Maximum stability in soil environment (years) 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7 5 – 7
8 Particle size (microns) 200 – 800 1000 – 2000 200 – 800 1000 – 2000
9 Free absorption rate of deionized water (g/g) 500 470 370 350
10 Absorption rate under deionized water load (g/g) 190 170 140 120
11 Time to reach maximum water absorption 10 15 12 16





Planting grass

Planting grass

Transportation of ornamental flowers

Transportation of ornamental flowers

Mixed with soil

Mixed with soil



Chemical fertilizer

Chemical fertilizer

Chemical fertilizer



Permeable superabsorbent crystals have shown their effectiveness in large-scale agriculture, storing rainwater or irrigation water by superabsorbents delays the wilting point and thus allows plants to have a water source while waiting for irrigation. For example, in rainfed sugarcane farming, a significant increase in yield of about 25% is observed.

  • When replanting a field, place the polymer in the grooves where the sugarcane branches are placed.
  • Super absorbent powders can be used simultaneously with fertilizer
  • Prevents water evaporation in the soil, especially in summer
  • Ability to retain water in the soil and reduces water consumption by 50% to 70%
  • Increases yield by 10% to 20% due to continuous water and nutrient retention near the roots
  • Reduces fertilizer consumption required by the plant
  • Faster growth and also increases the life of the plant
  • Prevents water loss due to water and nutrient retention within its structure
  • Increases air circulation in the soil and improves soil properties


Planting grass

Super absorbent permeable polymer is widely used in green spaces of parks and gardens. Super absorbent permeable ensures faster root growth and regular and uniform growth of grass, and grass rooting is also faster.
For use in green spaces, especially grass, first we completely move the soil and then spread it evenly on the ground surface. We work the polymer to a maximum depth of 10 cm of soil mechanically or traditionally by hand, and then we plant the grass seeds and press the soil on it.
Then we irrigate normally until germination.

Transportation of ornamental flowers

Transportation of ornamental flowers

The permeable superabsorbent is added to the soil when planting the plants and increases the survival rate of the plants and increases the plant’s tolerance to drought, facilitates maintenance and reduces maintenance costs.
Considering the strong need of most houseplants and ornamental plants for water, the use of permeable superabsorbent will be the best alternative for less water consumption.
Remove part of the pot soil and spread 10-50 grams of polymer gel along with soil next to the roots, then pour soil on it and water well so that we make sure that water reaches the permeable superabsorbent.
Care must be taken to prevent shock to the plant’s roots by first mixing the polymer with water and then mixing the polymer gel with the soil and then placing it next to the roots.

Chemical fertilizer

Chemical fertilizer

If the permeable super absorbent is mixed in powder form with chemical fertilizer, it reduces the leaching of nutrients in the soil, and also increases plant performance and protects the environment from the penetration of chemicals into the subsoil and groundwater. The results of the tests conducted and customer feedback show that using the super absorbent with fertilizer increases the growth of plant roots and saves fertilizer consumption by 15 to 30 percent. Care should be taken to mix the polymer with the fertilizer in dry form.

Mixed with soil

Mixed with soil

The use of permeable super absorbent in agriculture, depending on the type of crop and the amount of consumption for each crop, considering irrigated and dryland cultivation, will be the best way to reduce water consumption and potentially increase the quality of the crop.
The permeable super absorbent is applied by row crop and before seeding (simultaneously with sowing).
Each product has a specific consumption rate that is announced to the buyer in the consumption instructions.
If the permeable super absorbent is mixed dry with the soil, it increases the soil’s performance in absorbing water and fertilizer.



The advantages of using permeable super absorbents in desertification are as follows:
– Stabilizes the soil
– Maintains minimum surface water
– Reduces the amount of mulch
– Prevents cellulose mulch from turning into a hard layer
– Helps plants and seedlings germinate quickly in dry areas
– Vegetation spreads quickly and evenly across the desert surface and there will be no dry spots

Vision and Mission

The goal and mission of Kimia Trava Tech Company is to create a safe environment for investing in the agricultural industry, creating new methods, and improving agricultural products in terms of quantity and quality. We hope that with the help and assistance of God Almighty and appropriate feedback from you, our dear ones, we will be able to continue developing and updating our products.

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